Recreating society
As we enter into the inevitable leadership challenge in the Labour Party, it’s about time Labour members, supporters and the general public were given a vision for the future. For too long, indeed since the middle of the last decade, the Labour Party hasn’t had a plan of action – hasn’t had a vision of Britain that can capture the nation. To call for a vision is not to call for yet more platitudes. It seems that ephemeral and grand statements have won over any form of policy in the past few years. This is not the difference between being practical and being principled – far from it. It is about saying that principles, if they are to be enacted, need concrete policies attached. A principle that doesn’t live through a policy is not living – it’s an interesting idea, to be debated and discussed, but not to be lived. The party, and more importantly the voters, needs policies to stand behind, and those policies have to be formulated and communicated now, and have to pr...