Sermon on St Bernard of Clairvaux
‘Love created us out of love to share Love itself’ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. This term, we will be looking at saints that are linked with the college, and asking the simple question – from their lives, from their writings, from their teachings, what might help us as a college and as a community to live more fully today? Starting with one of the patron saints of the college, therefore, seems apt. Initially, St Bernard seemed to me to be a really great saint to preach about. People like me, from the Catholic tradition of the Church of England and indeed Roman Catholics the world over, know of his writing even if they don’t know the author. The wonderful Marian antiphons, sung daily by monastic and religious communities around the world, are in large part derived from and influenced by his writing and preaching. This theme runs throughout his theology – it was greatly influenced by his love for and devotion t...